1994 |
On the 15th of July 1994 according to the decision of the founder - Kursk Region Public Organization "Znanie" Society of Russia - Flow Education Institute is established and registered. The House of Knowledge becomes its place of residence. Galina Pavlovna Okorokova is appointed its Rector.
On the 22nd of November 1994 the first faculty - Finance and Law - is founded. Inozemtseva Ludmila Nikolaevna is appointed the Dean. The first admission of Jurisprudence speciality students takes place. |
1995 |
Accountancy and Audit speciality and Finance and Credits speciality are introduced.
The first 90 students in Economics are admitted. |
1996 |
The Institute becomes the participant of the educational programme of Economic and Business Education International Centre created under the aegis of the USA National Council of Economic Education. The Institute launches a professional skills improvement programme for Kursk and Kursk region secondary and technical schools teachers of Economics. The Institute joines the participants of the International Educational Programme (æáòå-ôáóéó), made up for the local self-government employees. |
1997 |
Flow Education Institute is renamed into Kursk Science and Arts Institute. The first Accountancy and Audit, Finance and Credits and Jurisprudence specialists of the part-time education department graduate. |
1998 |
The World Economy speciality is set up and first full-time students are admitted.
The Institute joins Russian Federation Association of Private Schools of Higher Education and becomes a corporative member of Russia Professional Accountant Institute. |
1999 |
Economics and Law College gets the state accreditation certificate. Kursk Science and Arts Institute is renamed into Kursk Management, Economics and Business Institute (MEBIK). Public Relations speciality is set up. MEBIK is the first in Kursk region to start PR specialists training. |
2000 |
MEBIK undergoes the procedure of state accreditation and certification with success. The Institute holds a theory-and-practice seminar for higher education private schools Principles on the subject: "The problems of manual and methodology aids support of the process of a modern specialist training in higher education schools".
Business Administration speciality is introduced. Business Administration and Public Relations faculty is founded. |
2001 |
The institute branches in towns Rylsk and Zheleznogorsk of Kursk region are set up.
The institute and Kursk administration launch the program of advanced training courses for business administration employees.
On the base of MEBIK the first intellectual championship in economics between institutes is carried out.
The students of MEBIK win the command and the first places in personal competition. |
2002 |
The representation offices of the institute are set up in towns Sudga and Schygri of Kursk region.
The new faculty of Management is founded. So students can take a degree in Management of Organization.
The educational cooperation "House of Knowledge" is founded on the base of MEBIK and CE&L. It includes some technical colleges, professional schools and secondary schools of Kursk and Kursk region.
The co-operation agreement between MEBIK and Ukraine Banking Academy is concluded.
On the base of MEBIK Board of Human Resources Managers at different enterprises of Kursk and Kursk region is founded.
The Academic Council of MEBIK obtains state accreditation. |
2003 |
Several new departments such as "Human Resources Management", "Marketing", "Applied Informatics in Economics" are founded.
There is the first group of students gets complementary qualification teacher of economics.
There are first graduates of The World Economy and Business Administration faculties. Board of Guardians of MEBIK and CE&L is set up. It includes the leaders of executive and local self-government institutions of industrial enterprises, banks and insurance companies.
Graduates Association of MEBIK and CE&L is set up. |
2004 |
The new representation office of our institute in town Dmitriev of Kursk region.
First graduates of the faculty Public Relations.
MEBIK and CE&L join Association of vocational and complementary educational organizations.
The institute becomes a member of Russian Association of Business Education. |
2005 |
MEBIK and all the branches are certified by Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation.
The intellectual club of Kursk region is formed.
The new representation office in Kurchatov is open.
The mission of the cooperation "House of knowledge" and its behaviour code are approved. |
2006 |
The new representation office of MEBIK is open in Kastornoe.
Rector of MEBIK is elected as a member of Public Chamber of Kursk Region.
First training of our students in Germany.
Board of Guardians, Association of Graduates and Rector of the Institute set fifty scholarships for the best students.
The 20th anniversary of House of knowledge.
Rushnik Museum is rewarded with Golden Mercury prize.
1st festival of computer technologies. |
2007 |
The 3rd stage of the VI All-Russian Olympiad on the business activity principles.
The 3rd stage of the XII All-Russian Olympiad on economics.
The 1st International Championship "Communication".
The 3rd regional competition of the international program SIFE "Students in Free Enterprise".
Seminar for teachers of economics in Kursk region.
Seminar and round-table "Urgent questions of the local government in the conditions of the administrative reforms realization in Kursk region".
International conference "Time and eternity in science, religion, culture".
Grant of the RF President for the project "Youth teaches youth".
Grant of the RF President for the project "Why should we take part in elections?". |
2008 |
The 3rd stage of the VII All-Russian Olympiad on the business activity principles.
The 3rd stage of the XIII All-Russian Olympiad on economics.
The 2nd International Championship "Communication".
Grant of Russian humanitarian scientific fund for the project "Methodological approaches for the designing and forecasting of the region aggregate investment expenditures".
International conference "Changing Russia: problems, priorities, directions".
International conference "Innovative applied researches in the sphere of management, economics and business".
The 4th regional competition of the international program SIFE "Students in Free Enterprise".
MEBIK is rewarded with Golden Mercury prize.
Foundation of the faculty of corporate training.
Days of Germany in Kursk.
Meeting with Ivette Nosovsky, the representative of the American University York.
International conference "Family, upbringing, morality and culture in the context of globalization".
Conference "The role of elections in the transformation of institutional foundations of the regional political system".
Seminar "Perfection of the enterprise management system on the basis of business-processes description and improvement"
Grant of the RF President for the project "The formation of the anti-corruption public opinion of the citizens of the Central Federal District of the RF".
Grant of the RF President for the project "The prosperous Russia - the future of your family".
Conference "Conservatism: relevant ideology for the contemporary Russia".
Seminar-training "Elections and students self-management". |
2009 |
Foundation of the private educational institution "Kursk regional House of Knowledge".
Retraining of the unemployed citizens for the specialty "Personnel management".
HSBC Financial Literacy Grant 2009 for the project "How to become confident in your future".
The 3rd stage of the XIV All-Russian Olympiad on economics.
The 3st International Championship "Communication".
Association agreement with National Academy Management (The Ukraine, Kiev).
Association agreement with Kharkov institute of Finance (The Ukraine, Kharkov).
Visit of the German delegation of senior pupils from Seelow (Germany).
Seminar "The formation of the anti-corruption public opinion of the citizens of the Central Federal District of the RF".
Exhibition "Contemporary Germany".
IX International conference "Innovation of the Russian economy and the globalization processes".
Visit of the German delegation of pupils and seniors from Ulm (Germany).
The 5th regional competition of the international program SIFE "Students in Free Enterprise".
Visit of the students and lecturers of MEBIK to Ulm University (Germany). |
2010 |
The 4th International Championship "Communication".
International student school of Business-Planning.
Round-table "Innovation of small-scale business of Kursk region as the way of the regional social-economic problems solution".
Conference "Cultural wealth of the Russian society in the XXI century".
X International conference "The economics of knowledge and the educational field".
MEBIK and all the branches are certified by Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
The 6th regional competition of the international program SIFE "Students in Free Enterprise".
Camping trip of the students and lecturers of MEBIK and Kharkov institute of finance to the Crimea mountains.
Seminar "About the reinforcement of the legal enlightenment of Kursk region citizens".
Round-table "The role of the local government authorities in the corruption counteraction and housing and communal services reforming".
Round-table "The role of the civil society institutions in the effective functioning of the educational system".
Retraining of the unemployed citizens of Kursk for the specialty "Personnel management".
Educational program "Business administration" for the municipal personnel of the Zheleznogorsk town council.
The Russian Federation Public Chamber discussion "Students self-management as the way of the civil society formation".
II Civil Forum "The role of the civil society institutions in the personality moral development".
Seminar "The main courses of the anticorruption policy at the modern stage". |
2011 |
Seminar "The main problems of the perfection of the organizational-legal and financial-economic local government foundations".
The 5th International Championship "Communication".
Section "Life-long learning mission in the intellectual and moral development of the personality and society" within the VII All-Russian conference "History and perspectives of the mutual civil and church cooperation in Russia".
Association agreement with the Institute of the Entrepreneur Activity (The Republic of Belarus, Minsk).
XI International conference "Adaptive functions of the life-long learning in the globalization process". |
MEBIK nowdays |
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