Pre-institute faculty

Vorontsova Galina Nikolaevna
Dean of pre-institute faculty
Address: Kursk, Radischev str. 35, office 407
Telephone: +7 (4712) 568779
Dear candidates!
The faculty of pre-institute training wishes you to be persistent, hardworking and to achieve your aim as soon as possible. We offer different educational programmes and projects which can help to become successful in all fields of your future activities.
Object and complex preparatory courses
For pupils of the 11th form and leavers of secondary professional schools
Main goal:
- Training in all subject for entrance exams
- Profound study of subjects by student's choice:
- Mathematics
- Programming
- English
- German
- Economics
- Complex preparation according to profound module including following subjects:
- Economics
- Management
- Image making and Advertising
Training forms:
- Sunday: 10.00 - 13.00 weekly
- Evening: 16.00 - 19.00 four times a week
Tuition by correspondence: three tests on every subject of entrance exams, consultations.
How to become a student before examinations?
You should enter Minor Academy of Economics
Minor Academy of Economics (MAE)
This programme is intended for the schoolchildren of the high school 10TH forms.
The advantages of the programme:
- additional education on the following subjects: economics, management, imagemaking and advertising;
- introduction into speciality;
- advanced studies of major field subjects;
- MAE graduates have the opportunity to study in MEBIK according to an individual training plan;
- adaptation to the higher education institutions methods of teaching.
Duration of education - 2 years.
Evening-time education.
Classes 4 times a week from 4 p.m. till 7 p.m.
Additional Education Programmes
Everything about the future profession!
The opportunity to challenge one's abilities, to develop personal qualities, to gain skills of successful activity.
The programme includes:
- basic studies of economics
- psychology;
- art of correct speaking;
- art of visage-making, style and plastics.
Classes 3 times a week from 4 p.m. till 7 p.m.
English Club - everything about Great Britain by means of distant learning!
The programme is based on Oxford University modern methods of intensive foreign languages studying: interactive training, multimedia technologies, authentic audio- and videomaterials. In addition to language training, there is a chance to get to know culture, traditions, history, everyday life and etiquette of the mysterious and enchanting Great Britain!
Professional skills studios on the following specialities:
"It's nice to be an important person, but it's more important to be a nice man."
personnel staff manager
"Your style" - making appearance, good manners and communication skills in practice.
Dear school undergraduates!
Our interactive project "Psychology of success" will help you in choosing right profession:
- discovering individual abilities;
- exposure of professional abilities and capability to lead;
- professional identity;
- creating personal strategies of success.
All MAE additional education programmes students have privileges when entering MEBIK and payment discounts for the first year of studies.
You can apply for our courses, clubs, studios and test-programmes any time from Monday till Friday, from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Our address : Kursk, Radischev str. 35, office 407. Telephone: (4712) 568779.