The Technical School of Economics and Law

Ermolenko Valentina Nikolaevna
Address: Kursk, RadisÓhev str. 35, office 108 Telephone: +7 (4712) 568415
The college of economics and law was founded by Kursk institute of management, business and economics in 1995, on the 6th of March 2007 it was recalled into the Technical School of Economics and Law. The technical school is a private educational institution of the secondary vocational education.
We realize the training in the following specialities:
- 0601 Economics and accounting
- 0602 Management
- 0201 Jurisprudence
We have trained over 300 specialists for the legal system since the foundation date.
We are constantly working to improve the educational process and raise the level of the lecturer professional skill. There are 3 doctors of science and 12 candidates of science among the faculty.
We pay the special attention to the practical orientation of the educational process. The practical classes and seminars are thoroughly prepared, the elements of the search education and play technologies with the use of the imitation methods are applied. These are educational plays simulating professional activity and communication. The exercises fulfillment contributes to the mastering of the speech models, develops the professional skill to make conversation logically.
The administration of the technical school supports to the employment of the graduating students. 54% of the graduates are employed, 34% continue to study in the institutions of higher education.