Economics Faculty

Pr. Inozemtseva Ludmila Nikovaevna
Address: Kursk, Radischev str. 35, offices 105, 106.
Telephone: +7 (4712) 568780
The Economics faculty was founded in 1995.
The Economics faculty is the main one, the history of Kursk institute of management, economics and business has started with its foundation.
The faculty has trained over 500 qualified specialists-economists, who work in different spheres of activities: banks, insurance and financial companies, institutions of state and municipal administration. The Economics department realizes the training in the following specialities:
- 080102 World Economy
- 080105 Finance and Credit
- 080109 Accounting and Auditing
- 080801 Applied Computer Technology in Economics
- 080801 Applied Computer Technology in Management
The faculty students can get the supplementary qualification "Lecturer" in the following specialities:
- Accounting and Auditing
- Finance and Credit
- World Economy
The following departments work at the faculty:
- The department of Accounting and Auditing
- The department of Finance and Credit
- The department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- The department of Foreign Languages
- The department of Economics theory and World economy
- The department of Information Systems and Technologies
The Economics faculty graduates are high-valued by the employees: 89% graduates of the speciality "Finance and Credit" are employed, 62% graduates of the speciality "Accounting and Auditing" have the opportunity to get more highly paid jobs at the enterprises where they work.