Faculty of Additional Education

Zakurdayeva Victoria Victorovna
Dean, associate professor
Doctor of Sociology
Address: Kursk, Radischev str. 35, office 104 Telephone: +7 (4712) 512220
You have a chance to get a new profession or new training skills at the faculty of additional education.
There are three steps referring to work on professional retraining and qualification improvement.
The first step is activity in the scales of city and region. This activity has been maintaining through the system of training-consulting seminars and qualification improvement courses. Our faculty has been cooperating with the Court of Referees, Finances Committee, State Inspection on Labour of Kursk region.
The second step is realized by the treatments having concluded by our institute with the federal organs of state power, organs of state power and local self-administration of Kursk region, subjects on retraining and qualification improvement of employees of these organizations.
The primary steps of qualification improvement are:
- legal security of economic activity
- economical aspects of administration
- accounting of enterprises of various forms of ownership
- taxation in Russian Federation
- civil and labour legislation as a legal basis of market economy
- legal, documentation and social-psychological security of regular work
The third step includes the programs of additional professional education which are realized by the courses of elementary professional training.
The main categories are the persons having been trained on the programmes of additional education possessing higher or secondary education (91,5%).
The leading scientists, specialists-practitioners possessing the most complete volume of expert knowledge in their sphere participate at these programmes as lecturers.
The conception of proposed programmes has been planned first of all on specialists-practitioners wishing to increase their professional level, to get operative and exact explanations on all issues connected with the alterations in legislation, to establish a new business contacts with the partners and colleagues.
Besides general issues traditionally raising at the seminars a direction of field programmes is developing. These programmes are oriented on specialists of commercial organizations, branches of housing and communal services, of health service.
The system of training, retraining and qualification improvement of specialists in MEBIK corresponds to social order, allows to take into account regional particularities, to reply timely on all actual contemporary troubles, to provide a high-quality training.
- Basic course, short-term professional improvement (72 hours providing the certificate)
- Complete course of professional improvement (starting 100 hours providing the certificate)
- Course of professional retraining (starting 500 hours providing the diploma)